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$35 - user / month
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$89 - user / month
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$125 - user / month
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Protect for testing

$199 - user / month
Billed annually
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Data Free Standard Business Enterprise
Requests Quota 50k Requests/Day 100k Requests/Day 500k Requests/Day Unlimited
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What our customers are saying

Hear from our users who have saved thousands on their Startup and SaaS solution spend.

Wade Warren

Wade Warren Louis Vuittona

Even factoring differences in body weight between children and adults into account.

18 Jul 2023
Ratting star Ratting star Ratting star Ratting star Ratting star

Brooklyn Simmons

Brooklyn Simmons Nintendoa

So yes, the alcohol (ethanol) in hand sanitizers can be absorbed through the skin, but no, it would not cause intoxication.

18 Jul 2023
Ratting star Ratting star Ratting star Ratting star Ratting star

Jenny Wilson

Jenny Wilson Starbucksa

Their blood alcohol levels rose to 0.007 to 0.02 o/oo (parts per thousand), or 0.7 to 2.0 mg/L.

18 Jul 2023
Ratting star Ratting star Ratting star Ratting star Ratting star

Albert Flores

Albert Flores Bank of Americaa

So yes, the alcohol (ethanol) in hand sanitizers can be absorbed through the skin, but no, it would not cause intoxication.

18 Jul 2023
Ratting star Ratting star Ratting star Ratting star Ratting star
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